Anything you Want.

“Most people don't know why they're doing what they're doing. They imitate others, go with the flow, and follow paths without making their own.”  ― Derek Sivers

“Most people don't know why they're doing what they're doing. They imitate others, go with the flow, and follow paths without making their own.”
Derek Sivers

A few weeks ago, I was doing a 4-hour silence retreat. Besides meditation, journaling, and silence, I included the book Anything you Want, by Derek Sivers. I read it in one sit, for the second time.

This 80 pages book covers 40 lessons for a new kind of entrepreneur. More than business lessons, Derek teaches a way of living simply, but fully. Living your life based on what you want from it, and not on other people's expectations. Instead of summarizing the main ideas, which you can get on other websites, I'll share what I, personally, really personally, took from it:

#1 Learn, Deeply

Why going through so much content without actually taking the time to learn it, deeply? Why rushing through, when the purpose of the whole thing is not being fulfilled? Why not learn a totally random thing?

I started experimenting with doing latte art… still struggling though :p

I started experimenting with doing latte art… still struggling though :p

#2 Enjoy the City

Living in a different city should imply living the city. Taking photos. Sitting and watching people pass by. Breathing new aromas. Tasting different food. Getting lost. Get lost.



#3 Know Yourself

Every journey comes with new opportunities. Some bigger than others. A bit disappointing at times. But the biggest of all is learning about ourselves. Just like we do with other humans. Getting to know us more: fewer meetings. more productive work. time alone. don't rush-to-the-next-thing-vicious-cycle. take time to absorb knowledge. experiment. go outside. learn a new skill. do you. do your thing. go to cafés. (and ask for a latte).

35mm film

35mm film

#4 My Business

(1) Be paid every-day — I always hated the idea of waiting until the end of the month to be paid. (2) Leave the business running, and go somewhere else. (3) I want the contacts of the clients — they care, I care. (4) Give what I was given — social side, always.

boat in lisbon

boat in lisbon

Truth be told, you can live a pretty dreamy life while feeling completely miserable. It was a dreamy life, it just didn't belong to you.

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